Castle Falls (2021)
“It’s a young man’s game,” says retired British martial artist Mike (Scott Adkins) as he packs up his life as a failed fighter in Atlanta to settle in Birmingham, Alabama (a neat little in-joke, considering how Adkins’ real birthplace is near Birmingham, UK). To say Mike has fallen on hard times is an understatement; he’s sleeping in his Jeep and punching-in as a construction worker helping to clear the derelict Castle Heights Hospital prior to demolition. During his duties, he chances upon a bag of hidden cash and decides to head back after hours to retrieve it – however, there are a few other subplots which also have the same idea. Prison warden Erickson (Dolph Lundgren) also has his eyes on the prize after hearing about the drug money from one of his inmates. He may be crooked – or at least currying favour with the prisoners – but he needs the cash to cover medical bills to look after his sick daughter. There is also a gang of goons, led by Deacon (Scott Hunter), who descend on the hospital with a load of guns, and soon we have a textbook cat-and-mouse, single-set action movie on our hands, with allegiances formed and people kicked down elevator shafts. It’s quite easy to pick holes in a film like this, but fans of both Adkins and Lundgren – two action veterans making their fourth film together – should know what to expect, and neither fan will be left disappointed. Lundgren’s first directorial effort in 11 years, the production was heavily compromised by the Covid-19 pandemic, shutting down after only days of filming and completed under strict Covid conditions. Despite the challenges, Lundgren knows exactly how to create economical action which is both exciting and plays to the strength of his performers – especially Adkins. His character may think it’s a young man’s game, but when Adkins is in full flow, beating the crap out of everyone – aided by his regular sparring partner, Tim Man – he still proves he can deliver with the best of them.
For more details see Original Post by Ben Johnson