International Wushu Judges Training and Certification Course 2023


The IWUF will hold two editions of the International Wushu Judges Training & Certification Course in June. The first edition will be located in Bali, Indonesia from May 31st to June 6th, and the second edition will be held in Cairo, Egypt from June 8th to 14th.


1. All Participants

  • All participants may only be submitted to the course by their respective IWUF Member Federations/Associations.
  • All participants must be official citizens of the countries/territories submitting them and should carry their submitting countries/territories’ passports.
  • All participants should be in good physical health.
  • All participants must be fluent in either English or Chinese language.

2. New Participants

  • All new participants must have been born on or after January 1st, 1973.
  • All new participants should have at least 3 years of judging experience at a national/regional level as a minimum and have officiated at his/her national championships or at a competition of similar magnitude at least twice.

3. Renewing Upgrading Participants

  • All existing IWUF judges who wish to upgrade/renew their certification must be holders of IWUF Judges certificates which are still valid in 2023.
  • All existing judges must be 65 years of age (including 65 years of age) or under.
  • For those judges who wish to upgrade their current judge grade, a period of 4 years should have lapsed since acquiring their last certification grade.

4. Participants whose credentials have expired:

  • Those judges whose certificates have expired but whose national federation/association received official permission from the IWUF to miss a past IWUF examination course, may apply to renew and are required to participate in the course and pass the examinations, but will be conferred with the same grade of their last certification without upgrading.
  • Those judges whose certificates have expired may only apply as new participants and following the successful passing of the examinations will be certified as B grade international wushu taolu or sanda judges irrespective of what grade they held previously.

You can find the regulation at

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