Tai Chi Workshops with Master Jesse Tsao
Saturday 28 October – Sunday 29 October 2023 The Tai Chi Centre Newcastle NSW
Great news for all Tai Chi players,
We are proud and honoured to announce that World-renowned Tai Chi Master Jesse Tsao is returning to Australia to conduct workshops at The Tai Chi Centre Newcastle NSW Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th October 2023. Participation is open to all, regardless of experience but places are strictly limited so get in quick.

Saturday October 28th Yang Style Fan 18 forms
Master Tsao will guide students through the 18forms teaching techniques and applications of this very versatile lethal martial weapon. Weapon experience is not a prerequisite, and Tai Chi Fans are available for purchase at workshop.

Sunday October 29th Yang Style Applications
Master Tsao teaches the major applications of the 24 forms (applicable to all Yang Style forms ) with principles of redirecting or “borrowing” an opponent’s force first to then strike his weak point. Familiarity with Yang Style and/or the 24 forms would be advantageous but not a prerequisite.
Workshops include morning and afternoon tea, all day fruit and snacks, lunch, workbook and certificates. Please visit our website for details www.thetaichicente.com.au and remember if you or anyone you know is interested in taking advantage of this incredible opportunity, please make contact and register as soon as possible because numbers are strictly limited.
Warmest regards
Amanda Heidke