Far Far Away Photo Competition 2025

Australians love to travel.
Some of them take their Tai Chi, Wushu and Qigong practice with them.
To celebrate their passion, we are again announcing a Photo Competition and invite everyone to submit the pictures of Australians in action
while away from their usual environment. (You don’t have to be overseas!)

Send your photos with a brief description (time, location, etc) to herald@auswushu.com.au

Entries will be closed on Sunday 11 January 2026. We remind that the photos should have been taken in 2025.
All submitted images will be accessible via corresponding album within
ausWushu’s Flickr space.

The winner will be determined by an independent judging panel. Any non-participating individual can nominate themselves as a member of this panel by writing to herald@auswushu.com.au.

    The first prize is $100.
    The second prize is $50.
    The third prize is $25.

    The winners will be announced on the 25th January 2026.

    Thanks and Good luck to all the participants!

    For inspiration, see

    the last year (2024) entries:


    Share and Enjoy !
