Legend of the White Dragon (2024)
Follow the journey of Erik Reed, (The White Dragon) – who, after losing an epic battle with the ancient overlord, Ashtagor, is blamed for the decimation of the city and the tragic loss of innocent lives during the conflict. After his secret identity is revealed, Erik is forced to flee Virtuo City, and live the solitary existence of a fugitive, remaining at large for over three years. Tortured by the separation from his family, and the guilt he carries from the loss of innocent lives in battle, Erik returns to Virtuo City, only to discover that a new threat has arisen–Dragon Prime, a mysterious dark force, possessed by the desire to seek revenge on Reed for his actions. To clear his name, protect his family and defeat an ancient evil – Reed has only one option… to become The White Dragon once again.

This project stars many members of the Power Rangers casts and is in the spirit of a more mature Power Rangers movie, but is not officially Power Rangers. (IMDB)

Legend of the White Dragon was famously a passion project of Jason David Frank, its lead star, and despite his death in 2022, the team was determined to ensure that all his work wouldn’t go to waste. Another post on the official Legend of the White Dragon‘s Instagram, the production wrote, “We are working very hard behind the scenes [to] make sure his dream is seen by everyone!” The film’s cast and crew have all provided their condolences to Frank and his family, working hard to ensure that Legend of the White Dragon lives up to expectations and gets the release they worked so hard for. (ScreenRant.com)