The Crazy Dad (2024)
Chen Feng, once a prodigious legendary boxer known as “The Madman,” spent twelve years in prison for his brawling antics. Upon his release, he finds himself facing not the boxing ring but his 12-year-old daughter. Determined to regain her respect and admiration, he resolves to fight one last time, to live again, to go mad once more…

Yue Song is a wildcard among both martial arts movie stars and filmmakers, springing up like clockwork every four years with a new kung fu smackdown he both leads and directs, and absorbs an insane amount of punishment for. Song’s latest martial arts beatdown “The Crazy Dad” sees him as a father protecting his daughter from a criminal gang, with fitting wild and powerful martial arts fights via which the viewer is prodded to wince roughly every five seconds. “The Crazy Dad” has already made its streaming debut in China, and news should hopefully follow soon of its Western release.
One thing’s for sure – with Yue Song consistently taking as good as he gives, “The Crazy Dad” already clearly deserves as much respect as his previous martial arts epics, and indeed any being produced anywhere else in the four corners of the Earth. (