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News from the Australian Sports Commission
A majority of Wushu and Tai Chi coaches in Australia have been led to believe that their businesses and careers are dependent on being accredited by the NSO for Wushu. The latest registered entities were the Australian Kung Fu Wushu Federation (AKWF) and Kung Fu Wushu Australia (KWA)). This has been under the framework of […]

Tunde-World: Top 25 Most Popular Health and Fitness Services Award!
Our congratulations to Tunde-World on having received a “Top 25 Most Popular Health and Fitness Service Award” from Health4You in 2017! These awards are allocated to the businesses registered on Health4You that have the highest number of visits, positive reviews and overall engagement, by location, for the previous calendar year. In order to deliver a great […]

Tai Chi Push Hands Seminar
Tai Chi Push Hands Seminar / Workshop by Master Ji Shou Xiang & Norman Chong (Universal Tai Chi Academy) at Epping Creative Centre September 2017 By Dr. Khoo Cheng Choo The Push Hands technique has been much revered in Taichi circles as being one of the most challenging and satisfying of Tai chi practices. Wushu […]

Tai Chi: the perfect antidote to a digital age
“…Taiwanese scientists found that people who practised tai chi had a higher number of stem cells than those in other groups. It’s “the first step to providing scientific evidence” for tai chi’s health benefits, according to Dr Paul Sanberg at the University of South Florida… Doctors acknowledge that tai chi improves arterial compliance, i.e. expansion […]